What is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative divorce is a dispute resolution process that benefits families. During the process, couples design a solution that maximizes the emotional and financial health of their family. The process empowers the participants to make decisions about their children, finances, and health, and to reach a resolution respectfully and confidentially.
How Does Collaborative Divorce Process Work?
The parties enter into a participation agreement in which they agree to resolve the divorce without court intervention. In a series of meetings, the participants develop a comprehensive settlement. Each party is represented by an attorney. The team also includes two neutrals, a financial advisor and a mental health professional. The team approach is key to helping the parties stay focused on the children and learn new ways of constructively communicating.
Advantages of Collaborative Divorce
- Process focuses on creating a new vision for your family
- Privacy and confidentiality are assured, rather than sensitive matters being discussed and debated in publicly-filed court documents
- Participants control and design their own life solutions with minimal court involvement
- Increased peace and mental health; stress and animosity are reduced
- Children are the primary focus
- Compliance with settlement terms is greater because the parties designed it